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Get your WRAS approved HotSpot Titanium now

Get your WRAS approved HotSpot Titanium now

Of course with new-build comes regulations to safeguard the occupier and ensure good material/product standards. Here we look at 2 key regulations for developers when it comes to water both in the home and in the place of work; WRAS approval and Building Regulation Part ‘G’.


In short the ‘Water Regulations Advisory Scheme’ is a standard focussed on public health and protects against contamination of public water supplies. Any water fitting which carries or receives water from the public mains water supply in the UK should comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations or Scottish Byelaws. These require that a water fitting should not cause waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of the water supply and must be ‘of an appropriate quality and standard.’

The scheme itself is voluntary, but there are certain situations where WRAS approval is compulsory e.g. the building of new homes. It is possible here that the water company may not connect the main water supply if there is evidence of non-WRAS approved water products installed. Ultimately a WRAS approval is a sure way to demonstrate compliance for a material or water fitting, offering peace of mind that the product is safe and fit-for-purpose.

It is also important to note that in order for a product to meet full approval it must also be installed in compliance with the manufacture guidelines and adhere to the WRAS regulations.

Gaining WRAS approval is a thorough process and there is a requirement to be re-tested every 5 years. Approval can be obtained for both materials as well as the product itself. However, here at HotSpot Titanium, we believe that WRAS is a great seal of approval for our products and provides specifiers with much-needed reassurance.

Building Regulation G

Building Regulation G, or G3 specifically, relates to hot water supply and systems. It exists to protect users/occupiers during the normal operation of a system - or should any part of the product fail. For example, the guidance states that any water discharged from a heated vessel must be done so safely. It also states that stored water should not exceed 100℃ and this is where the regulation ties in to WRAS approval - as no system that stores water at this temperature can gain WRAS approval.

This does mean however that not one WRAS approved or Building Regulation approved instant ‘hot’ water system store or dispense ‘boiling’ water! Very upsetting for tea drinkers we know!

At HotSpot Titanium we let you choose. Either select your WRAS approved HotSpot Titanium that stores your water at no greater than 100℃ or select our +100℃ non-WRAS which is exactly the same in terms of approved materials and similarly does not cause waste, misuse, undue consumption or contamination of the water supply and is tested and certified as being of an appropriate quality and standard.

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